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Black Hat Vegas 2013 – Course Summaries

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We have an updated breakdown of our BlackHat courses here

With the ‘early registration’ discount period coming to an end on May 31, I wanted to provide an overview of what courses we’re offering and how those courses fit together.

Please be sure to take advantage of these discounted prices whilst they’re still available. This summary will help you decide which course is best for you…

1. “Cadet” is our intro course. It provides the theoretical and practical base required to get the most of our other courses. Don’t let the introduction title put you off, this course sets the stage for the rest of the course, and indeed fills in many blanks people might have when performing offensive security assessments. We only offer it on the weekend (27th & 28th) but its really popular so we’ve opened a 2nd classroom. Plenty of space available, so sign up!

2. “Bootcamp” is our novice course. Its a legendary program that we’ve offered successfully for almost 10 years now. The course is modified and updated each year to reflect new thinking, paradigms and attack vectors, but its real beauty is in the fundamental and unchanging principles and thinking skills it presents. We’ve opened up additional classrooms also, so we can accommodate plenty of people.

3. Our “Unplugged” course is an entry-level wireless security-training course. It is done in the same style as our other HBN courses; highly practical with a focus on learning how things work, not just the tricks. Last year “Unplugged” sold out quickly but this year we have additional space. But please sign up before we can’t take any more people there.

4. “BlackOps” is a student’s final course in the Hacking By Numbers series before being deployed into “Combat.” In BlackOps, students will sharpen their skills in real-world scenarios before being shipped off to battle. BlackOps covers tools and techniques to brush up your skills on data exfiltration, privilege escalation, pivoting, client-side attacks and harnessing OSINT. Students will also focus on practical elements of attacking commonly found systems and staying under the radar. BlackOps also sold really well last year, and and we can’t open additional classrooms, so please sign up early.

5. “Mobile” is our very first Mobile Hacking course, and the first of its kind for beginners in this field. As mobile phone usage continues to grow at an outstanding rate, this course shows you how you would go about testing the mobile platforms and installed applications. “Mobile” will give you a complete and practical window into the methods used when attacking mobile platforms. This course is ideal for penetration testers who are new to the mobile area. Our enrolments have just reached double-figures and seats are limited, so please sign up early.

If you need help selecting the right course, or getting registered, please contact us via training[at]sensepost[dot]com.

About 50 people have already signed up. Register now to benefit from the early-registration discounts and join us in Vegas in July!