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Windows Domain Privilege Escalation : Implementing PSLoggedOn in Metasploit (+ a bonus history module)

Reading time ~3 min

There are multiple paths one could take to getting Domain Admin on a Microsoft Windows Active Directory Domain. One common method for achieving this is to start by finding a system where a privileged domain account, such as a domain admin, is logged into or has recently been logged into. Once access to this system has been gained, either stealing their security tokens (ala Incognito or pass-the-hash attacks) or  querying Digest Authentication (with Mimikatz/WCE) to get their clear-text password. The problem is finding out where these user’s are logged in.

I’ve often seen nmap and the smb-enum-sessions script (http://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/smb-enum-sessions.html) used to retrieve all the user sessions on the network. This (not so grep’pable) output is then grep’ed to find the hosts where our target user is logged in. The process of smb-enum-sessions and subsequent analysis can be quite time consuming and clumsy. On a recent assessment, multiple tunnels in, where uploading nmap wasn’t a great idea, we realised that there has to be a better way of doing this. While searching for an alternative solution we came across PsLoggedOn (SysInternals Suite) which, with a single binary, allows you search the network for locations where a user is logged in. The downside with this is that it doesn’t cleanly run via psexec or other remote shells and you need graphical logon to a system on the domain, and you need to upload another binary (the PsLoggedOn executable) to the target system. Examining how PsLoggedOn worked we figured out that it was simply using the Windows NetSessionEnum API.  Having a look at the API I figured that it should be possible to write a simple post exploit module for Metasploit using the railgun.

After some trial and error, we now present enum_domain_user.rb a simple Metasploit post exploit module capable of finding network sessions for a specific user. Below is a screenshot of the module in action.

To use the module,

1.) Download and copy it to:
(we’ll send a pull request to metasploit-framework’s github shortly).

2.) In MSF:
use post/windows/gather/enum_domain_user

3.) Set the USER and SESSION variables.

4.) Then simply run it with “exploit“.

The module can also be used directly from meterpreter with:
run post/windows/gather/enum_domain_user USER=username

Warning, this doesn’t seem to work with x64 meterpreter yet mostly likely due to some memory pointer stuff I haven’t worked out. Hopefully this will get updated shortly, or even better, one of you smart people out there can fix my horrible Ruby.


As an added extra I’ve included a Metapsloit history plugin. This plugin will simply allow you to view all the commands executed since the module was loaded and then execute them “bash style”.

Typing “history” will give display the last 10 commands executed. If you wish to see more commands, type history <numberof entries>

To run a command from the history list type:
history !<command number>

Below is an action shot of the history module.

To install:

1.) Download and Copy history.rb to the plugins folder: <msf install>/plugins/
2.) In msfconsole type: load history
3.) For usage info type: help history

Both modules are available for download on Github, and I’ll submit a pull request to metasploit-framework shortly. Please feel free to fork and be merry. Any updates/fixes/comments are welcome.
Github: https://github.com/sensepost/metasploit